Some random bits from my soundcheck, my happy face, my london trip including poppiiies, studio time, more random photos and the prawns I made the other day 🤤💫👀
Some random bits from my soundcheck, my happy face, my london trip including poppiiies, studio time, more random photos and the prawns I made the other day 🤤💫👀...
My The Mamas tribute in Halmstad, me and a Pony that doesn`t look like a Pony next to me, a saffron pasta I made, more fishing without catching any fish (can someone teach me plz?) and casually chilling between sessions in Copenhagen 🦄💌💫
My The Mamas tribute in Halmstad, me and a Pony that doesn`t look like a Pony next to me, a saffron pasta I made, more fishing without catching any fish (can someone teach me plz?) and casually chilling between sessions in Copenhagen 🦄💌💫